Hand washing clothes is a good alternative to machine washing when dealing with delicate garments. It allows you to give individual attention to each garment, ensuring they are looked after properly and even extending their lifespan. By learning how to hand wash clothes, you can achieve gentle yet effective cleaning for almost any item of clothing.
Today we’re going to share a step-by-step guide to hand washing clothes as well as how to separate and prep clothes. We’ll also show you how to make a safe and gentle washing solution using a mild detergent and softener. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about how to wash clothes by hand so you can keep your wardrobe looking its best for years to come.
How to Hand Wash Clothes and Delicates at Home

Some clothing items do require cold water washes, so keep these separate and follow the same rules with cooler water. Check the garment’s label if you are unsure about what type of washing process to follow. It will usually indicate the water temperature that you can use to avoid permanent damage to the garment.

When it comes to washing the garments, we recommend soaking them in the water for 15 to 30 minutes. From there, you need to take great care when removing the clothing items from the water. You can’t just squeeze out the water from every type of garment, as this could cause more damage to delicate materials. Instead, you want to gently lift out the garment from the water with both hands and try to squeeze out the water as much as you can. Lay it down on an absorbent towel which you’ll then fold over the garment to remove the excess water as best you can. From there, leave them out to dry as long as needed. When learning how to hand wash clothes, keep in mind that these items also can’t be added to the tumble dryer.
When to Hand Wash Clothes
The first thing to consider when it comes to hand washing clothes is which items of clothing need this extra attention. The first thing to look at is the delicacy of the item. If you have garments with extra embroidery or beading, you’ll certainly not want to risk putting them in your regular wash. You can review the care instructions on the garment’s label.
If you see an indication that the item of clothing should be hand washed, then make sure you follow this advice. Hand washing helps to offer clothing optimal care and will preserve even the most delicate of items for years to come when you follow the tips we share here today.

As far as the type of fabric that needs hand washing, we always recommend hand washing linen, satin, wool, rayon, or silk garments. They shouldn’t be put in a machine washer or dryer as the rough actions of these machines could damage or tear the material. However, keep in mind that even cotton garments could need hand washing if they have intricate details or embellishments. Anything you aren’t willing to risk putting in a machine or that’s of sentimental value could also be hand washed, so you have full control over the washing process.

Drying Methods for Delicate Garments
Delicate garments also need extra attention when it comes to drying them after you’ve learned how to wash clothes by hand. The best option is typically air drying, where you’ll lay the garment on a clean towel or drying rack. This will help to avoid stretching and preserve the shape of the delicate material. You can always reshape the clothing if needed when it’s drying so that it’s ready to wear as soon as it’s dry and retain the same shape as when you first purchased the garment.
Some clothing items are better off being hung up on a padded hanger or with drying mesh. You’ll want to make sure you use these items though to support the garment and maintain its structure while drying. Flat drying is a good option for some clothing items, where you’ll place it on a clean and dry surface and then reshape the garment where necessary. The most important thing to avoid is using a tumble dryer or putting the garment in direct sunlight. These can both cause damage to your garments and undo all the good work of learning how to hand wash clothes.

By taking the time to learn how to wash clothes by hand, you can ensure you look after your delicate clothing items and preserve their quality for years to come. Proper hand washing techniques will extend the lifespan of even the most delicate garments, ensuring they aren’t destroyed in your washing machine. There’s no denying that this process can take a little longer, but it will help to minimize odors and allow you to wear your favorite garments over and over again. Make sure you always use a mild detergent and softener for this washing process as well, which helps to keep your clothes in top condition.
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