Site Policy
Please Read Before Using This Site
Before you use this site operated by MANDOM CORP. (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD. (“MCS” hereafter), please read the following Site Policy and use the site only when you agree with the terms of use set out in the policy. As regards to those who are already users of this site, we will assume that you have agreed to all the conditions laid out by the Site Policy. If you object to any of the conditions, please stop use immediately.
1. Copyright
The copyright of the contents contained in this site belongs either to MCS or the contents are being used under license obtained by MCS. Users of the site are permitted to use the contents of this site for personal use as approved by the Copyright Law; however, they cannot go beyond the bounds of the Copyright Law to use, transfer, or copy the contents without permission or to invoke other copyright.
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4. Disclaimer
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5. Law and Court Jurisdiction
Your use of this Website is governed by the laws of the Media Development authority and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Media Development authority in relation to any dispute arising out of your use of or access to it.